Thursday, October 27, 2011

Up Day

I slept well last night, and am feeling "almost normal" even though it seems like it's been so long since I felt "normal" that I am not sure what exactly that means. I went to my regular doctor yesterday for several reasons. 1: to renew my handicap sticker for my vehichle [done]. 2: to renew my prescription [done] 3: to discuss the swelling under my arm from the lymphodema [done] and 4: because I am developing a sinus infection - he gave me a prescription for anti-biotics [done].

I have learned my limits as far as my immunity is concerned. I went outside the other day to get my yard ready for winter. Mostly just putting yard ornaments in the shed, and taking a few plants indoors. I had my hand stool that Gary sawed the legs off of to use for gardening, so I could sit frequently because I was still feeling tired. But I did not forsee the problem with the exposure to whatever was blowing in the wind out there, and the next morning I awoke with a sinus headache.

Whatever was in the air I was breathing was irritating to my sinuses. So now I have to get this under control before it becomes a serious infection. This is a bit of a setback, because it means I have to be even more limited in my activities, and I felt I was being relatively cautious as it was.

Back to the drawing board, I guess! I have to become more creative about ways to amuse myself here in the shelter of my home. There are activities and events going on all around me that I want so badly to participate in, and yet, I have to bow out. This is a challenge for me to have to take care of myself without going nuts.

Love to all!


Saturday, October 22, 2011


Sometimes it amazes me how much I can sleep! I get eight to ten hours of sleep at night, and during the day I can barely stay awake at times! This gets old. My spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I imagine all the things I would like to get done, but I have NO energy to accomplish the tasks at hand.

This morning, I made some scrambled eggs (sitting in a chair by the stove) and then while wiping off the counter top, broke into a sweat, and was overcome with exhaustion. I shall find it hard not to appreciate doing the simplest of jobs without becoming exhausted when I get to the other side of this whole process.

It's just frustrating to have all this "free time" and not be able to do more of the things I enjoy. The other morning, I awoke after ten hours of sleep, and was so relieved I did not have to go to work, because I was still tired and sore. I would never be able to withstand the rigors of driving the bus and dealing with the kids, even IF I had an immune system that could withstand all the exposure to their illnesses.

This last round of chemo has left me more weak, more tired, and I have had to take more of my nausea medication to stave off the "urpy" feeling in my gut. Next chemo is on Halloween. It will be a different kind of drug, and the oncology nurse said it is generally milder than what I have been getting...I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Keep up your prayers and good thoughts for me, please

Love to ALL!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Just Pluggin' Along

The reason I have not added anything lately, is because there is not much happening...which is a good thing, right? I have been home, mostly, recuperating from my last chemo. That consists mainly of sleeping...a LOT. I feel like the most boring [or bored] person in the world.

Now it's time for my fourth treatment on Monday, and the cycle will begin again. Even IF it felt like a good idea to go somewhere to do something, A: I have no money, B: I am paranoid of catching some kind of illness. So, mostly I stay home and keep a low profile.

Last night we went to TGI Friday's to celebrate Kelly's Birthday. It was her big FIVE-O. ...Just don't understand how all of my friends can be gettin' so OLD! LOL!

Tonight, we had dinner with my son, Ben. He turns 26 on Monday, the 17th. So now I will hunker down here at home, again. I have made a few cards, which is a good way for me to keep from going nuts. Have also become addicted to mini-series movies on Netflix. Lots of drama, which is happily missing in my own life as of late.

To sum it all up, I feel basically OK, feel the need to stick to the home base, and my major symptom of the chemo is I sleep a lot.

Love to all,


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Back Home Again

I have arrived in "chilly" MN again. My sojourn in Utah is done...for a while. I had a very pleasant driving trip back, and stopped in Evanstan, WY to see my dear friend, Nola for a few hours, and then on to Upton, WY in the Northeast corner of the State, to spend a night and a day with my brother, Joe and his wife Denice. Sure do LOVE to see them now and again! We had such a nice visit.

I was on a mission to get home in time to see my friend, Suzanne and her husband, Kim before they left for Corona, CA for good. I made it to the Bloomington Hilton by 6:05 pm. I was amazed at how easy the trip was! I left Joe's at 6:30 am, and stopped quite frequently, so I was pleased. Even lost an hour on the way.

We met Casie and went out to dinner together, and went back to the hotel and talked, and laughed, and had a phone skype conversation with the Harpers (who have recently moved to Seattle, WA). (Gary was up in Ashland, Wisconsin at the car races with his friend, Todd, who was driving in the race. Gary got to be pit crew, and loved every minute of it!)

I am truly going to miss them ALL! Our little group has dwindled down to Casie and I. Girlfriends will prevail, however! Thank goodness for phones and computers!

I had my third round of chemo yesterday [Monday] afternoon, and met Sandy afterwards to have dinner together. It is so good to have dear friends to come home to!

I went in for my shot to keep my white blood cell count up today. Casie accompanied me all afternoon. It was great to have a buddy along! We also went to lunch and did grocery shopping and stopped-by my employer's to drop off my letter excusing me from working. Then we picked up her daughter, Kenzie, and came back to my house, put all the groceries away, and made BLT's for supper.

Now, I am missing my grandbabies. I have some great memories of my time in Utah, and saw some dear friends while I was out there, too. Tacy was a trooper and had such an ideal labor and delivery. Chuck was there the whole while and it went along quickly. They arrived at the hospital at noon, and Daphnie was born at 1:4o pm. Great work! Daphnie is beautiful, with a full head of thick, black hair like her daddy.

Fiona spent the day with her Aunt Julia, and myself. They left with the little girls so go to Salt Lake City for the afternoon & evening, and I went back to the apartment, picked up Great Grandma, Edith, and we took the opportunity to go see Daphnie. Edith was so thrilled to get to see her before she had to leave the next day to return to MN by plane.

Daphnie was having some digestive problems for the first five days or so, but that seemed to diminish just before I was leaving. She had some problem with her bilirubin count being elevated, but that was coming down by the time I left for MN.

Fiona is adjusting to a new baby sister, and she is keeping Mommy busy with her antics! If you want to see a video of Fiona meeting Daphnie for the first time, Go to, and in the search bar, type-in "Daphnie and Fiona Meet". Tacy's YouTube name is "Tasinhas23" just in case you want to see any of the other videos of Fiona, etc. You can also type that name into the search bar to find all her videos.

I must say, good video, Chuck. Such a CUTE first meeting! I was so thrilled to be there for it!

I was fortunate to get to hold Daphnie a lot, and did not leave until the following Wednesday. So sad to leave, though... :( I don't like being so far away. Tacy told me Fiona misses me. I miss her so much, too! I shall look forward to next time. And, I am sure to be feeling a LOT better by then!!!

Love to ALL!

Mary :)