Monday, November 28, 2011

Getting Closer to Normal

Today was my second-to-last chemo. I really don't mind chemo days, because I generally feel pretty good for the first two days of it. I just sit in a comfy chair while the drugs drip into my veins via the port. Today was a bit of a shocker for me. I put the numbing cream on the port site well before leaving home, as I have always done. For some reason, it didn't "take". When the nurse stuck the BIG needle in, it hurt like the Dickens! (usually don't feel a thing) I let out a loud holler, and immediately felt embarrassed by it. It startled the nurse, but ultimately, we were all laughing about it.

Then, she couldn't get a blood-draw from the port, because it had become clogged, so she ended up putting a special drug in there to break up the clot (or whatever) and then sticking a needle into my arm anyway. The blood-draw is the first thing they always do right after I get there. It has to be analized (I am amazed at how quickly they get the results printed-out!) because then I have to go talk to the Doctor or her assistant, to review my case and how I'm handling the chemo. If my blood count is too low, they can't give me chemo until it gets up to normal. Mostly, they are concerned with the White blood cell count.

Well, apparently, I have some good blood, and her assessment of my case was very positive. My cell counts are above average. That is the main reason why I am having chemo every two weeks. If the cell count is down, they have to have more time in between treatments. The way I am doing it, I have the best chance for the drugs to do their dirty work and kill off all the nasty cancer cells, because we are hitting them hard and often. It gives them less of a chance of coming back.

I have a visualization of Pirates (the drugs) coming down the nets and ropes and sails to attack the cancer cells (enemy pirates) and they kill them and and then throw them overboard. It's all very loud and nasty in my head while this is going on, with the sound of swords clanginig and Pirates yelling, "Rrrrrrrrrrrrr! Die cancer cells, DIE!" Works for me!

Tomorrow I get my shot, and then another blood draw in-between now and my last day of chemo on the 12th of December. I have a CT scan on the 28th of December to see my progress. Sometime the next week ( the first week of the new year) I will begin radiation.

I have been keeping busy in the meanwhile with my cards, and making things for my granddaughters and cleaning up and throwing stuff out. I can manage a little bit at a time, in-between rests and naps.

Love to ALL!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Better This Time

The Oncologist lowered the dose of the chemo drug last Monday, and although I have had some aches and pains, it is nowhere near as severe as last time. I have only had to take a minimal amount of pain medication. That is encouraging. I am looking forward to being done with this part of the process.

I have been keeping busy with my Cricut machine, which is a paper die cut machine. I just made a set of Nativity Figures that I will laminate and send to my Granddaughter, FIona to use as refrigerator magnets. It keeps my mind and hands busy. I am also working on some larger decorations for hanging on the girls' bedroom wall.

This week, my goal is to go through my craft materials and get rid of things I am not currently using. I have years of materials I have collected, and I am thinking realistically about the fact that I will never be able to do all the projects I have available. I have enough acryllic paint to cover the White House, so I will consolidate and give the rest away.

I have also decided that I will concentrate my efforts on painting and scrapbooking. I have everything I need to stay busy for years with what I have. I would like to give some of it away to others I know who work with other kinds of crafts, like beading, and Christmas Crafts, etc.

I am glad to be feeling better, and am looking forward to the not-so-distant future when I can re-join the living and get back to my "normal" life!

Love to All,


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Two to Go!

I had a review of my case at the Oncologist. I explained the pain I was in last time, and so they decided to decrease the dosage of the chemo drug this time. On Monday I had chemo, and felt OK afterwards and on Tuesday I got the shot for my immune system. I felt quite like myself, for the first time in months, so I got out of the house and did some errands, and spent some time with Sandy.

Today, I am still doing well, but a bit achey. It is tolerable, and I worked around my house, sitting frequently when my hips would get sore. I have not had to take the pain meds or the steroids yet, and I consider that a good sign. Last session, I was in a good deal of pain at this point on Wednesday, so I am happy to say that is not the case this week.

I have two more chemo sessions to go...on the 28th of Nov. and on Dec. 12th, and then I'm DONE with chemo!!! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is so encouraging to me! Then I have to wait two weeks after the end of chemo and will start radiation.

But just one step at a time. I am so grateful to be feeling as well as I do for the time-being.
Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts.

Love to all!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

When it Rains, It Pours

Most of the time, I am here alone. I have the occasional phone call, and Casie drops in when she can. Yesterday was an exception to that. Tina, whom I have known since before she was born (I am dear friends with her Mother). Called on Tuesday to let me know she had Friday off work and wanted to visit me. On Wednesday, Georgia called and told me that women from the church would be bringing me meals every other day or so for the next week.

On Friday, Tina came for a nice, long, visit! It was so great! But during her visit, Caroline came with a meal for us (she did not know about what the other ladies from church were doing). The phone kept ringing for various reasons (besides the usual sales calls), and the doorbell rang several times, too. Several people were looking for Gary. (He also had the day off...although he worked around the house all day long). Then Elgene showed up with her scheduled meal, and the kids from the neighborhood came to ask to jump on our trampolene.

Tina stayed through the afternoon and we had a fabulous visit! Then I ate some of the wonderful food that was brought-in, and then got ready to meet Sandy and Nancy at Archiver's for a "Scrapbooking Madness" night out. We planned this weeks ago, and I said I would come if I was feeling up to it. Getting there was the challenge. Every small effort I make to do anything just takes everything out of me.

Thankfully, the company was uplifting, and doing creative things always gives me a mental boost. And, Oh, Yeah, I was able to sit down most of the time, so that was a lifesaver!

All that in ONE DAY!!! I got home at 10:30 pm. My all-time favorite movie was on, so I sat down to watch it, fell sound asleep immediately and woke up at 2:30 am and crawled into bed...which I should have done in the first place. I slept this morning [afternoon] until 12:30 pm without an interruption! (I think I was worn-out). But I have NO regrets about my busy day, and thinking about all the kindness shown to me.

Thank you, Georgia, Casie, Elgene, Caroline, Christy, Tina, Nancy and Sandy!!!! Your kindness really made the needle on my boredom meter go way down!

Love you ALL!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Three to Go

I have three more chemo treatments to Go. The next one is Monday, Nov. 14. My last one will be in mid-December. Hopefully by Christmas, I'll be feeling well enough to actually enjoy the Holiday.

This has been a bit tougher than I was expecting. This time around with the combination of new drugs, I am experiencing a lot of bone and muscle pain and a constant, dull headache. It makes me feel nervous about the next time around, because the effect seems to be cumulative, so there's a good chance of it getting worse each time.

Yes, I am whining, and I admit it. I was not prepared for the fatigue and boredom, or this level of pain. I would love to project the brave face, but I am being worn down daily, and don't have the energy to be cheerful about it. My whole life is on hold and there's not a whole lot I can do about it. SO for now, that's the status.

Love to all,


Friday, November 4, 2011

Tougher than I thought

This new set of symptoms is proving to be a challenge for me. I was not expecting this level of pain and discomfort. The shot they give me to produce more white blood cells, combined with my new chemo drug, is causing me aching and sometimes shooting pains in my hips and legs, and chest.

The doctor gave me steroids and Vicodin. (not sure on the spelling). It's a strong pain killer. It works for a while, but when it wears off...a few hours before I am allowed to take it again, I have to endure cramping and muscle spasms in my legs. Not fun.

I am not looking forward to three more treatments. Doc said this may last for three to four days. I hope it does not last too long, as this is very taxing. It makes it difficult for me to sleep. I am just going to have to hang in there in the meanwhile.

Several friends have brought me dinners, and that has been a big help, because standing in the kitchen to cook is difficult. So I really appreciate you, Allie, Cherry and Heather!!! Thanks so much for the help!

I awoke this morning still under the influence of my meds, so I was fooled into thinking it was better, but as the day wore on and the pills wore off, it got uncomfortable. I am just going to assume this is short-lived, and make the best of it. I drink lots of water, hoping to flush this stuff out of my system. I tried to get a few things done, but it was not exactly productive. So I have been watching documentaries, etc. to keep my mind off the pain. I watch the clock for my next dose of the pills, and welcome the relief they bring.

Oh well, one day at a time...or, one minute at a time.

Love to all,


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I had my first round of the new chemo drug on Monday, and the shot on Tuesday. Today I am experiencing aches and pains in my muscles and bones. Mostly in my hips and legs. I tried some Tylenol, which is the only pain medication my Dr. wants me to take right now, but it doesn't give me much relief...briefly at best. She predicted this symptom and told me that if the Tylenol doesn't work, I can take more steroids...not exactly what I want to do. Steroids and me do not get along well.

Tonight will be interesting. I hope I shall be able to sleep with this aching going on. I slept well last night, and hope that will be the case again. Today wasn't overly exciting...I paid some bills and did the dishes. WoooHoooo! I look around at other things that need doing, and my legs ache as I try to move around. I have to sit down frequently, which puts a damper on many activities.

I was hoping that this drug would not be so intrusive, but it seems worse than the previous symptoms of fatigue and tiredness. I hope I can stick it out for three more treatments. No telling how long these symptoms may last...

Love to All,
