Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Guess Who I Ran Into?

As I was leaving Radiation Therapy for the last time, I said to the ladies who were my technicians, "Don't take it personal, but I hope I never see you girls here again...unless it's somewhere else, of course!" We all laughed.

Last night when we were at Chili's celebrating, who should walk in and tap me on the shoulder, but one of the techs....we had a good laugh over that!

Love to all,


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Not of me, of course, just DONE with radiation!!!!! Now to recuperate from the burnt skin, and get on with my knee replacement surgery.

Tonight I went to dinner at Chili's with Gary and my dear friend, Casie to celebrate this milestone...besides, it is Valentine's Day.

Onward and Upward!


Love to ALL!

Mary :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Almost Finished!!!

Today, Thursday, I am now only three treatments away from finished with radiation. I have an appointment in a week with my knee surgeon to set up an appointment for my knee replacement surgery...hopefully in March.

Meanwhile, I am having some symptoms from the radiation. The skin on my shoulder and neck and underarm look sunburnt. The skin under my arm is peeling off. Needless to say, it is very sensitive. Am not looking forward to the effects of three more treatments.

I have been on a card-making binge...Valentines to send to my family. It was fun while it lasted, but I've reached my quota. Now I will begin crocheting on a blanket for a new baby in my friendship circle.

I have been feeling a lot better now, not so fatigued. My knees are getting worse again, and that is why I am anxious to get them done. Things are looking up!

Love to All!
