Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Went to the Radiation Doctor today. It was a "planning day". Took three hours total. First, laying on a cold, hard slab of a machine on which they twisted me like a pretzel, to determine what position would give them the best shot at radiation...of course, it the "most uncomfortable one.

Then I got five "tatoos". Which are the size of the tip of a pen. * about that big. This is so they can always zero-in on the same places each time.

They took pics from the machine, and when all done with me, sent me to another part of Mercy Hospital to have another CT scan...this time I didn't have to drink anything, or have anything put in my veins. So now, I begin radiation next Wednesday. 20 minute sessions five days a week for six weeks. YAY!

(Can you denote a bit of sarcasm?)

I have to say, he did put me at ease about the radiation treatments, though. He said the main side effects are some fatigue, and skin "irritation". Of course, that varies with each person. It is cumulative, so it gets worse as the treatments continue. But he assured me that the fatigue won't be anything worse than what I have already experienced with chemo. I may need to use creams on the skin. He said it's like a "sunburn" we shall see.

So, I'm on to another phase in the saga of getting through this. I SO want to be done and on with my life. In the meanwhile, I shall find some useful ways to use my time when I am not napping.

Love to All,


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Better News Today!

I went to the Radiology Dept. at Mercy Hospital Today, to get my CT Scan. And then I went to my oncolgist to get my shot. I asked them when the results would come back from the CT Scan and the nurse said, I would probably have a consultation with the doctor next week.

That seems like an eternity, when you are nervous about the news. I got home later this afternoon and got a call from the doctor's office. She said the test came back clear. It appears there were other issues they were concerned about, but the CT Scan was clean and she said I will not be seeing them for a while. This was good news. I am officially done with chemo now, and will start radiation as planned.

Just wanted to update you in case any of you were concerned about my post the other day.

Love to all,


Monday, December 12, 2011

Not So Good News

I am officially bummed-out. I went into my "last" chemo with high hopes. I told you about the blood test I had last week to check for "cancer markers" in the blood. Well, apparently, the numbers have gone up, and the better scenario is that they should be going down.

Needless to say, this was not good news, nor was it expected. It felt like a punch in the stomach. When I asked her what this will mean, she said, "Don't worry, we have ways to help you." I asked what that meant, and she said, "There is chemo, and other drugs that we can use to treat it." SO, long story short, I may be facing more drugs and/or chemo...did not want to hear that.

Let me back up this day a bit...Last night I lay awake for hours before I finally fell asleep about 4:00 am. It was like my brain was on high rev and I could not shut it down. Even that short 3 hours of sleep (which was supposed to be eight) was interrupted by a bathroom break. SO, I awoke to the alarm at seven o'clock, exhausted. Took a shower, dressed and dragged myself to chemo. I felt at a disadvantage going into it, and then the bad news did not help my mental state.

Thank goodness they shot me full of Benedryl, and that knocked me out for several hours during my treatment. I must admit, I am struggling with this new development. Really don't relish the thought of going through more drugs, etc. Feeling fatigued and sick is getting OLD.

Maybe in a few days, I'll develop a better attitude. Right now, I am discouraged.

Love to all,


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Anticipating the END

...Not of me, just the chemo. I went into the Dr. yesterday and they took some blood to do a test to find "cancer markers". Not sure what they will find, but it is not an all-inclusive test, because there are some cancers that don't leave markers in the blood. But it is just one more way to keep on top of it. Will be having a CT scan on Dec. 28th, and that will tell me more of my progress.

I am looking forward to getting Monday over with. My last chemo. I am finally feeling on the up-side of the previous round. The deep ache didn't hit me today. I got some cleaning done, and tomorrow my goal is to put up my Christmas Tree! Have been having a hard time getting into the Spirit of the Season. Have been feeling a bit low. I'm hoping the tree and my Nativity Scene will be a better reminder.

By the time Christmas rolls around, I may be feeling a bit more decent, and that will help. I have been cleaning out my art supplies, and it has seemed overwhelming. But today, I got through the last of the pile, threw some junk out, fixed a box of stuff to give away, and have a nice pile for the Salvation Army started. It feels good.

While digging out the art supplies, I happened upon my unpainted plaster houses, etc. So, in between all the de-cluttering, I have begun painting the houses. I have finished two now, and hope to get a few more done for Christmas. It keeps me from feeling yucky. I feel like my real self with a paint brush in my hand!

Love to All,