Sunday, October 7, 2012

Things are Happening!

Wow.  It has been a LONG time since I wrote in here...but here are some updates about what's going on with my life...

FIRST, went for a mammogram on Wednesday last week and Saturday got a letter telling me that there was "no sign of any malignancy"  meaning, NO Cancer!!!   Wooo Hoooo!  To say the least, that made my day.

We had a marvelous summer, in spite of recuperating from two knee replacement surgeries.  As soon as I had the go-ahead to drive from my orthopedic surgeon after my second knee surgery, I took off for Utah to spend some time with my daughter and granddaughters and my son-in-law.  What FUN! 

Stopped to see my brother, Joe in Wyoming on the way back home. 

Went up to a cabin in Wisconsin for a week and went four-wheeling all over the terrain, and swam and sunned, and sat around the fire pit by the lake...great times!  Ben & Amanda came up for two days, and Casie came at the end of the week. 

Our biggest news is, after 32 years in this house, WE ARE MOVING!!!  We are buying Gary's parents' house in Andover, MN.  He helped his Dad to build it back in the early 1980's.  It will be much more roomy for having folks over.  It also has a large second garage for Gary to play in...I call it the "Man Cave".   It also has 2 1/2 acres of wooded land around it, so we get to sit in the three season porch and watch the dear stroll through the yard.  The closing is supposed to take place mid November, so we just might be in there for Thanksgiving! 

We put our house up for sale with Tom & Terry Wilkinson at Keller Williams Realty, and it sold in a week!  (five days to be more precise!)
My head is spinning.  Friday the inspector came out, and we passed, with a few requests to replace some electrical outlets...a snap for Gary to fix.

So now I am going through the aftermath of 32 years of stuffing things in closets to get ready for the move.   We will be having a garage sale this weekend!

Gary's parents have not yet found their new location, so we will be hoping for that to happen in the near future.  (We promised not to kick them out, though, if they can't find a suitable place).   We will have plenty of room!

My knees are doing great, I am walking without a cane now, and have no pain when I walk or it!  I have lost some weight now, because I am moving, and I feel so much better! 

Things are really looking up for us!  I got pulled through the knot hole, survived, and now I'm rarin' to go!

Love to all!


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